
  • Jun 22, 2021

2 portions:

  • 2 eggs (~105g)
  • 5g dashi powder
  • 7g soy sauce
  • 3.5g mirin
  • 2g white sugar
  • 260ml warm water
  • 1 crab stick (cut into cubes)
  • 6-8 dried shiitake mushroom slices (soaked and soften)

Step 1

Whisk eggs in a bowl. Mix warm water with other seasonings in another bowl. Make sure the dashi powder is fully dissolved.

Step 2

Combine the egg with the mixture. Sift to ensure silky texture.

Step 3

Divide crab stick pieces and mushroom slices into 2 chawanmushi cups (make sure to squeeze excess water out of the mushroom). Gently pour the egg mixture into the cups. Cover with chawanmushi lids.

Step 4

Bring water to boil in a large pot. Steam the chawanmushi on medium low heat for 18 minutes then on low heat for another 2 minutes (partially cover pot with lid). Ready to serve.

Note: To make sure the egg is cooked, use a skewer to poke through the egg. When you pull it out, it should come away clean.